A free medication take-back event will occur at many Placer County locations. In collaboration with youth organizations, utilities, public health entities, and local schools, local law enforcement will hold drop-offs at eight locations in western Placer County from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will accept prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vape devices with batteries removed and veterinary medications.
City Hall
1225 Lincoln Way
Justice Center, DeWitt
2929 Richardson Dr.
Lincoln Police Dept.
770 7th St.
Del Oro High School
3301 Taylor Rd.
Rocklin Police Dept.
4080 Rocklin Rd.
Rocklin Fire Station #3
2001 Wildcat Blvd.
Maidu Community Center
1550 Maidu Dr.
(near the skatepark/batting cages)
Sun City – Roseville 7050 Del Webb Blvd. (by tennis courts)
Things to remember
- prescription
- non-prescription (over-the-counter)
- veterinary medications
- vaping devices, batteries must be removed
- no sharps or lancets
- no medical waste
- no illicit substances, including marijuana
Leave pills and liquids in their original containers